Engineer Pedro Alcântara joins to the Pred Engenharia’s technical staff

Specialist in the diagnosis of electric motors, Pedro Alcântara joins to the Pred Engenharia and to the S3i software and, together, they will make available an unprecedented model of Predictive Management

With more than two decades of experience in inspection and testing of electric motors, the Engineer Pedro Alcântara becomes now part of the Pred Engenharia’s technical staff, which, through the software S3i, makes available the Predictive Electric Motors Management, a new model of predictive maintenance.

Unlike the conventional methods of diagnostics available in the market, Predictive Electric Motors Management promotes the chained use of techniques and methods for inspection and tests. They are systemically tracked and correlated on the timeline through the S3i software, i.e. it is not a one-off event or a "crystal ball" limited to the knowledge and expertise of a professional.

With the Predictive Electric Motors Management will be possible the monitoring of the engine's life cycle from its initial subscription, for example. Once all inspections and testing operations will be done through the S3i software, the database of a particular engine will be converted to an intelligent information, showed up through the Perigometer® tool, says the Pred’s Technical Manager, Felipe Ataíde.

The S3i software operates the Predictive Electric Motors Management in any instrumentation (PdMA, FLUKE, BAKER, ALL-TEST and others), and the execution and interpretation can be done by its own technical maintenance team.

Pred Engenharia provides the Predictive Electric Motors Management in the following modalities:

  • Predictive maintenance service contract, under performance.

  • Provision of a license to use the S3i software, with training and transfer of technology.

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